1500+ Publications

25+ Therapeutic Areas

200+ Clinical Trials

  • Development of digital measures for nighttime scratch and sleep using wrist-worn wearable devices

    Author(s) : Mahadevan N, Christakis Y, Di J, Bruno J, Zhang Y, Dorsey E R, Pigeon W R, Beck L A, Thomas K C, Liu Y, Wicker M

    Journal / Source : https://www.nature.com/articles/s41746-021-00402-x.pdf

    Date : 21-Apr

    Tags : Scratch

  • Detection of nocturnal scratching movements in patients with atopic dermatitis using accelerometers and recurrent neural networks

    Author(s) : Moreau A, Anderer P, Ross M, Cerny A, Almazan T H, Peterson B

    Journal / Source : https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=7944549

    Date : 18-Aug

    Tags : Scratch

  • Correlation between objective measures of sleep and nocturnal scratch in children with atopic dermatitis

    Author(s) : Yang A F, Xu S

    Journal / Source : https://www.jidonline.org/article/S0022-202X(21)00703-X/fulltext

    Date : 21-Jun

    Tags : Sleep