1500+ Publications
25+ Therapeutic Areas
200+ Clinical Trials
A formative study exploring perceptions of physical activity and physical activity monitoring among children and young people with cystic fibrosis and health care professionals
Author(s) : Shelley J, Fairclough S J, Knowles Z R, Southern K W, McCormack P, Dawson E A, Graves L E, Hanlon C
Journal / Source : https://bmcpediatr.biomedcentral.com/track/pdf/10.1186/s12887-018-1301-x
Date : 18-Oct
Tags : Physical Activity
Telerehabilitation versus traditional centre-based pulmonary rehabilitation for people with chronic respiratory disease: protocol for a randomised controlled trial
Author(s) : Cox N S, McDonald C F, Alison J A, Mahal A, Wootton R, Hill C J, Bondarenko J, Macdonald H, O'Halloran P, Zanaboni P, Clarke K
Journal / Source : https://bmcpulmmed.biomedcentral.com/track/pdf/10.1186/s12890-018-0646-0
Date : 18-May
Tags :
Patient self-management in primary care patients with mild COPD-a randomised controlled trial of telephone health coaching
Author(s) : Sidhu M S, Daley A, Jordan R, Coventry P A, Heneghan C, Jowett S, Singh S, Marsh J, Adab P, Varghese J, Nunan D, Blakemore A, Stevens J, Dowson L, Fitzmaurice D, Jolly K
Journal / Source : https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25880414/
Date : 18-May
Tags : Physical Activity
Feasibility study of a randomised controlled trial to investigate the treatment of sarcoidosis-associated fatigue with methylphenidate (FaST-MP): a study protocol.
Author(s) : Atkins C, Fordham R, Clark A B, Stockl A, Jones A P, Wilson A
Journal / Source : http://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/bmjopen/7/12/e018532.full.pdf
Date : 17-Dec
Tags : Fatigue
Patient self-management in primary care patients with mild COPD protocol of a randomized controlled trial of telephone health coaching
Author(s) : Sidhu M S, Daley A, Jordan R, Coventry P A, Heneghan C, Jowett S, Singh S, Marsh J, Adab P, Varghese J, Nunan D, Blakemore A, Stevens J, Dowson L, Fitzmaurice D, Jolly K
Journal / Source : http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2466/15/16
Date : 15-Feb
Tags :
Daily Physical Activity in COPD: Quantification by Tri Axial Accelerometry
Author(s) : Sirichana W, Moore-Gillon C E, Patel M H, Taylor M, Storer T W, Cooper C B
Journal / Source : http://www.atsjournals.org/doi/abs/10.1164/ajrccm-conference.2013.187.1_MeetingAbstracts.A1361
Date : 13-May
Tags : Physical Activity
Telomere length and lung function in a population-based cohort of children and midlife adults
Author(s) : Nguyen M T, Saffery R, Burgner D, Lycett K, Vryer R, Grobler A C, Dwyer T, Ranganathan S, Wake M
Journal / Source : https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1002/ppul.24489
Date : August 2019
Tags :
Patient self-management in primary care patients with mild COPD – protocol of a randomized controlled trial of telephone health coaching
Author(s) : Sidhu M S, Daley A, Jordan R, Coventry P A, Heneghan C, Jowett S, Singh S, Marsh J, Adab P, Varghese J, Nunan D, Blakemore A, Stevens J, Dowson L, Fitzmaurice D, Jolly K
Journal / Source : http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2466/15/16
Date : February 2015
Tags :