Support 1.2
Here you will find a selection of software and downloads that will assist with the installation and running of the GENEActiv.
This support page is for GENEActiv 1.2. To check if you are on the correct support page, look at the serial number on your device. Should the serial number start with 1xxxxx then it is a GENEActiv 1.2.
GENEActiv 1.1 have serial numbers that start with 0xxxxx and that support page can be found here.
If you require more support, please contact us.
You may also find it useful to read our FAQs below.
GENEActiv R Markdown Analysis Tools
To receive a .zip file of the Activinsights GENEActiv R Markdown analysis tools, please read the following licence terms, enter your contact and click ‘Accept’ below. You will receive an email with the .zip file so please check your inbox.
These resources are provided ‘as is’ without warranty of any kind. The resources are openly available for the research community but are restricted to use within the Activinsights ecosystem with limited rights of redistribution. The agreement clearly states it can only be used for the non-commercial analysis of raw data.
By clicking ‘Accept’ you agree to these terms. Usage is subject to the full licence agreement found in the .zip file.
To receive a .zip file of the Activinsights GENEActiv R Markdown analysis tools, please read the following licence terms, enter your email address and click ‘Accept’ below.
These resources are provided ‘as is’ without warranty of any kind. The resources are openly available for the research community but are restricted to use within the Activinsights ecosystem with limited rights of redistribution. The agreement clearly states it can only be used for the non-commercial analysis of raw data.
By clicking ‘Accept’ you agree to these terms. Usage is subject to the full licence agreement found in the .zip file.
Have questions? No problem, you’ll be able to find all the information you need below.
Hardware FAQs
Software FAQs